Mindful Movement: Intro to Qigong Practice

4200 County Rd. M
Middleton, WI 53562

Qigong (Chee-gong) is an ancient form of moving meditation that uses flowing movements, breath exercises, meditation and tapping to boost energy, relieve stress and balance your emotions. As a holistic health or ‘whole being’ practice, it addresses all of who you are: mind, body and spirit.

‘Qi’ means energy and ‘Gong’ means skill or cultivation; thus, Qigong is the skill of cultivating your life-force energy. Qigong recognizes our interconnectedness and draws wisdom from our natural surroundings.

This introductory workshop will give you a taste of how this simple, yet powerful practice can help you activate ‘the healer within’ by cultivating your ability to stay grounded, centered and as calm as a glacial lake. You will leave feeling relaxed yet focused for whatever lies ahead.

All ability levels welcome. Can be performed standing or seated in casual attire. Please bring a journal/notebook and come prepared to do a short portion of the workshop outdoors, weather permitting.