This recreation area provides direct access to the Military Ridge and Capital City State Trails. It provides more than three miles of off-road mountain bike and hiking trails within. Quarry Ridge also contains a shelter that can accommodate up to 75 people, restrooms, picnic tables, information kiosk, and a parking lot. The site consists of a wooded area, an abandoned gravel pit with very steep inclines, and an 11-acre stormwater detention pond that collects stormwater from the Jamestown Neighborhood. Mountain Biking Quarry Ridge Recreation Area is a destination trail system for mountain biking. It features a network of single track trails for beginner to expert riders. The trails are free and open year-round as weather permits. Please respect the trails and only ride when the trails are dry to avoid damaging the trail surface. Trail conditions are regularly updated at the following website: http://www.madcitydirt.com/ The Fitchburg Parks Department partners with Capital Off-Road Pathfinders (CORP), the local chapter of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA), to develop and maintain the mountain bike trails. The trails are maintained by volunteers.